Earlier this month, we hosted our first ever yoga class on the farm. We couldn’t have asked for better weather for practicing yoga outdoors, or a better group of people to do it with. We set up our mats on the grass at our campsite so that we could hear the sound of water rushing over the beaver dam in the stream below. Our instructor, Robin, led us through a relaxing routine, allowing us to connect with ourselves and the environment around us. It was such a lovely experience; we can’t wait for next year when we start offering classes on a more regular basis!

As a farmer, my work can be very physically demanding. A couple of years ago, I started doing 10-15 minutes of yoga every morning to help prepare my body for the day ahead, and I swear that it has made all the difference in the world for me. Not only am I more limber, I have a better sense of which muscles need to be engaged to perform different tasks without injuring myself.

There are lots of health benefits associated with practicing yoga, both physical and mental. Yoga improves strength, flexibility, and balance. Yoga promotes better stress management, which can lead to improved sleep, higher energy levels, reduced muscle tension, increased control over body weight, and a better mood. There is research to support yoga’s efficacy in managing various health conditions, including back pain, anxiety, depression, arthritis, and low bone density. (For more on the benefits of yoga, give this article from Johns Hopkins a read.)

Practicing yoga outdoors offers additional benefits beyond those previously discussed. Fresh air can do wonders for the lungs and circulatory system. Being out in the sunshine also triggers the production of vitamin D, which is critical for supporting bone health. Posing on relatively uneven terrain, rather than a flat floor, can further improve balance and muscular strength. Plus, being out in nature is good for the soul!

If you’re interested in joining us for future classes, please contact us so that we can keep you in the loop about scheduling. We are so grateful to our friend, Robin Abbott, for helping us to bring yoga to our community!

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